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Hips and Hamstrings 2 hour Workshop


A 2 hour therapeutic yoga workshop exploring the tight, sticky areas in the hips and gently, stretching out the hamstrings.

Standing, seated and supine hip and hamstring stretches to find flexibility and more mobility in the hips and hamstrings.

    Say hello hips and longer legs!


Saturday 23rd April 6.30-8.30pm @ Millhouse Village Hall, £10




Igniting Your Tapas -  Fast, Fiery, Flowing Workshop


The word “tapas” comes from the Sanskrit verb “tap” which means “to burn.” The “fiery discipline,” the fiercely focused, constant, intense commitment necessary to burn off the impediments that keep us from being in the true state of yoga.

2 Hours of fast, flowing Asanas to fire up your  practice & get you moving


Friday 13th May 7-9pm @ Millhouse Village Hall, £10

Give yourself the gift of self - love.

                             A day of feeding, the body, mind and soul.


                                                                                            Less of a workshop more of a day of ease.........


We will start the day with meditation - sitting and being with the breath, then move into a flowing yoga sequence, a moving meditation - flowing from one pose to the next, moving with the breath. Finishing the morning session with a Metta (Loving - Kindness) meditation.


Lunch will be a healthy, wholesome super soup and salad - with a special, healthy treat for dessert.


Afternoon session will begin with Pranayama practice, then a yin yoga session of holding and sinking into the poses, ending the day with a long Yoga Nidra.


Sunday 12th June 10-4pm @ Millhouse Village Hall, £40.



All workshops are limited to 12 people - Please book.

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